I guess I could've chosen a better picture but the whole time he was sleepy and I was lit so here we are guys. Finally, I know it's only taken five months for this blog to go up nothing major.
Tiger Sanctuary
Elephant Sanctuary
Phi Phi Island Boat Tour
Cooking Class
MASSAGE (They're cheap AF!)
Rooftop Yoga Class
*Shop* duh, is water wet?
Visit Buddha Mountain in Phuket
Patong Beach was decent (lots of souvenirs along the beach)
Grand Palace in Bangkok
Wat Pho Temple in Bangkok
Bug Spray
Tennis Shoes (there's a lot of walking when visiting the temples)
Sun glasses
Comfy Clothes (if you're getting a massage every other day like me or taking a roof top yoga class, doing any outside activities!)
NyQuil or Benadryl if this is your first long flight experience (trust me that'll knock you out for most of the flight!)
Meds for if you have the shits (incase you eat something your stomach doesn't agree with, it happened to like 4 people in our group of 22)
Hats, Baseball Caps won't hurt (I lived without them)
Extra Soap - Extra Tooth Paste - Extra everything (We ran out and had to go to the grocery store)
OMG, If I knew this I would have - PACK RAMEN NOODLES (By Day 4 I was tired of eating the real deal and I missed my college packed Ramen Noodles sad, but true)
PLACES WE VISITED: Also we stayed in an airbnb in each city, didn't use a travel agent, and we were there for about a week!
Bangkok, first
Phuket, second and the longest amount of days, it's more stuff to do there.
Chang Mai, last (literally barely a day and that place was getting cool but we were ready to get back to the states by the time we got there.)
Yes, it was twenty something of us and we had a chef every night in Phuket! The headline had meaning behind it you thought this was a game? The night of New Years Eve a friend decided it would be a great idea to not have our phones at the dinner table. Lol, I'm laughing as I'm typing this because I remember about 4 people that looked at me knowing it would be a challenge for myself, and it WAS! We went across the table while eating to say two things that we each wanted to work on in the new year and the meaning behind it. It was refreshing and great just like the food. Afterwards we turned UP - had a pregame function at our house while some of my NC friends were also in Phuket came by to pregame with us and we all hopped, skipped, and ran to the beach to bring in the New Years! It was lovely and I was sleepy (as always) but definitely a night I'll never forget to say the least.
Story Time: First, we prepaid for most of our activities way in advance unless someone last minute decided they wanted to do something that they wasn't sure of in the beginning. We booked through different website we found online even Trip Advisor and two people out the group took care of booking all activities and listing options in our GroupMe chat and we cash app'd however much for which activity we were interested in. So the day comes where we go visit Phi Phil Island and everyone is slightly hungover and tired, the day started out being really cloudy and rain was expected I'm walking toward the boat already sea sick with my dramatic self. Everyone goes on the boat tour BUT ME. Yep, I'm not even lying. Check out the pictures below to see how I took on Phuket by myself. Yes, I was scared and shared my location with the group incase I got kidnapped or something. No one thought it was a good idea but I'm a rebel and a scary cat and couldn't get on that boat I would've through up as soon as I got on. Come to find out the boat ride was hectic and one person flew to the back of the boat and a couple of my friends threw up so they all were glad I stayed. LOL!

The pictures above is when I went on an adventure around Phuket by myself once I knew I couldn't make it on that boat ride without getting sick. I went to a rooftop yoga class for really cheap, got an hour long massage for only twenty US dollars, and lastly I rode around and had lunch before heading back to our airbnb it was a great time even though I missed out on the boat. (HA!)
Thanks for visiting my blog, and if you have anymore questions about my trip to Thailand please don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out using the contact page. I hope you enjoyed the pictures, there's a lot more but I don't want to overwhelm you guys! If you go visit please share with me your experience and pictures I'd love to see them!
Love and light,
